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Luba Skořepová


The Biography

Luba Skořepová, her own name Libuše Skořepová, (* September 21, 1923, Náchod - † 23 December 2016, Prague) was a Czech actress, writer, playwright, long-time member of the National Theater in Prague. Her first name, Libuše, was often truncated to "Ljuba", which made the nickname "Luba". From 1942 to 1944 she studied acting at the Prague Conservatory. After the liberation, she worked in the Jindřich Honzla Young and in the ND Study (1945-1948). After his extinction in 1948 he became a member of the National Theater drama. His last performance on the National Theater Plays took place on June 18, 2014 at the Gogoles Revolution. During the sixty-six years of acting in the local ensemble she performed 140 roles. In addition to the National Theater, in the theaters Metro, Ypsilon, Rubin, Řeznická, in the Municipal Theaters of Prague and others. Her first husband was actor Josef Pehr, second writer Pavel Hanuš (1928 - 1991). But Skořepová remained free. (Wikipedia)

Luba Skořepová in


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