Yuriy Shumilo inMoviesSort Popularity Votes Average Original Title Release Date A Man from the Boulevard des Capucines 7.181 average rating ★★★★★ Assa 7.1 average rating ★★★★★ Avariya - Cop's Daughter 5.6 average rating ★★★★★ Silver Lily of the Valley 6.167 average rating ★★★★★ House Under the Starry Skies 3 average rating ★★★★★ Wolfhound 1 average rating ★★★★★ A Black Rose Is an Emblem of Sorrow, a Red Rose an Emblem of Love 6.6 average rating ★★★★★ 2-Assa-2 5.1 average rating ★★★★★ An Umbrella for Lovers 4.8 average rating ★★★★★