Kyōnosuke Murai inMoviesSort Popularity Votes Average Original Title Release Date Oxen Split Torturing 6 average rating ★★★★★ 13 Assassins 7.461 average rating ★★★★★ Red Peony Gambler: Oryu's Return 6.5 average rating ★★★★★ Three Gamblers 8 average rating ★★★★★ Hero of the Red Light District 8.6 average rating ★★★★★ Miyamoto Musashi: Birth of Two Sword Style 7 average rating ★★★★★ Eighteen Years in Prison 9 average rating ★★★★★ Otoko dokyō no ayame kasa 0 average rating ★★★★★ Red Peony Gambler: Flower Cards Game 7 average rating ★★★★★ Eleven Samurai 7.5 average rating ★★★★★ Brave Red Flower of the North 6 average rating ★★★★★ The Kanto Scarlet Cherry Gang 6 average rating ★★★★★ Red Peony Gambler 7.2 average rating ★★★★★ Sword of Destiny 6 average rating ★★★★★ The Ninja Hunt 7.5 average rating ★★★★★ Moonshadow Ninja Scroll: Twenty-One Eyes 0 average rating ★★★★★ The Domain: Kanto Legends of Chivalry 6 average rating ★★★★★ Gambler: Victory Without Death 6 average rating ★★★★★ Aftermath of Battles Without Honor and Humanity 7 average rating ★★★★★ Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu 8.2 average rating ★★★★★