Fabio Vannozzi inMoviesSort Popularity Votes Average Original Title Release Date Napoleon and Me 6.112 average rating ★★★★★ Giovanna's Father 6.881 average rating ★★★★★ Ovosodo 7.2 average rating ★★★★★ Incantato 6.4 average rating ★★★★★ The Second Wedding Night 6.3 average rating ★★★★★ Knights of the Quest 4.5 average rating ★★★★★ In barca a vela contromano 6 average rating ★★★★★ The Early Bird Catches the Worm 5.8 average rating ★★★★★ B.B. e il cormorano 6 average rating ★★★★★ Where Are You? I’m Here 9 average rating ★★★★★ A Paradise Without Billiards 6 average rating ★★★★★