Marc Rohnstock inMoviesSort Popularity Votes Average Original Title Release Date Winnie the Pooh: Master of Puppets 0 average rating ★★★★★ Unrated: The Movie 2.8 average rating ★★★★★ Barricade 2.6 average rating ★★★★★ Project Genesis: Crossclub 2 0 average rating ★★★★★ Karl the Butcher vs. Axe 4.2 average rating ★★★★★ Underworld Cats 5.3 average rating ★★★★★ Game Over 5.5 average rating ★★★★★ Plastic 0 average rating ★★★★★ Turbo Zombi - Tampons of the Dead 1.5 average rating ★★★★★ Dungeon of Evil 0 average rating ★★★★★ Graveyard of the Living Dead 5 average rating ★★★★★