Sara Wiseman inMoviesSort Popularity Votes Average Original Title Release Date Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes 7.107 average rating ★★★★★ Nerve 4.8 average rating ★★★★★ Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America 6 average rating ★★★★★ Atomic Twister 6.3 average rating ★★★★★ Human Traces 6 average rating ★★★★★ What Really Happened: Votes for Women 0 average rating ★★★★★ Jinx Sister 5 average rating ★★★★★ Venus and Mars 0 average rating ★★★★★ The Insatiable Moon 6.3 average rating ★★★★★ Matariki 6 average rating ★★★★★ Rest for the Wicked 6.5 average rating ★★★★★ Luella Miller 3 average rating ★★★★★