poster movie


6.3 average rating
Mandarin / 111 MIN. / 2022

The Genres

The Synopsis

The tribal village gets misty in September, letting out an atmosphere as intriguing as Hayung's family in this autumn-winter season. After Hayung's homeland was occupied, one 80-year-old man devoted his whole life to worshipping GAGA. The traditions were forgotten by his descendants after his passing... The Hayung's family represented indigenous families in Taiwan. Each tribe represents a withering big family. The eldest son Pasang joins in the election campaign, neglecting the opposition from his family. The second son, who is a farmer, is thus affected. After the election campaign, the entire family is on the verge of falling apart, and the village witnesses the snow for the first time in a very long time... With snow melting, new lives emerge. The broken family has started mending and repairing...

The Cast

Wilang NomingKagaw PilingWilang LalinAli BatuGaki BaunkyEsther HuangYukan LosingYasuy SilanAmakankang DalusAndy HuangVaaiTomo MasaWilang ToliBuya WatanTeng-Hui Huang



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