poster movie

The Transformations of the Transformations of the Drs. Jenkins

0 average rating
English / 0 MIN. / 2021

The Genres

The Synopsis

Determined to create the ultimate pandemic film, Stephen (who apparently has never heard of an exquisite corpse) brings a team of filmmakers together, believing he has created a brand new genre of filmmaking, they recruit 20 of their friends to each shoot a segment of the film. A lot goes wrong! Michael convinces the team he can program an AI better than Amazon. Bob wasn't invited. Kate has regrets.

The Cast

Michael J. EpsteinKate McCoidBob RoseStephen StullMarie AlessandroAaron BarrocasJack BennettRachel Leah BlumenthalSophia CacciolaSeth ChatfieldReggie ChuksChloé CunhaMathieu CunhaJoel EdinbergWill EdmistonChris EthridgeDavid FairJeff FrumessLarry GreensteinJohannes GrenzfurthnerHugh GuineyLiesel HansonEric HollawayMichael KallioJennifer KeatingRahul LakhinaCory McAbeeL.J. McRaeBr OomDiana PorterZak SeeleyGreg SiscoAndrew J. SmithSarah Steinberg HellerJosh StifterMaximus T.G. StifterRaphael StifterJohn ValadezWill Edmiston



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