poster movie

BP Underground | Hip-Hop

0 average rating
Hungarian / 85 MIN. / 2018

The Genres

The Synopsis

BP Underground is a documentary project exploring the underground youth subcultures of Budapest, Hungary in the 90s and 2000s, right after the iron curtain fell. (from IMDb) The second episode of the series focuses on the hip-hop scene.

The Cast

Dániel Baranyai "Eckü"Dániel BlikPista BusaRichárd Dósa "Ricsipí"Róbert Dulna "Zenk aka Zenki Mefisto"Krisztián Faragó "DJ Quick"Máté Felcser "RendbenMan"Győző Tibor Győre "DJ Györemix!"Balázs Haász "MC Gőz"Szabolcs Halmosi "Bobakrome"Patrik Havas "Dj Frequent"Patricia 'Poisy' HornyákAndrás Jakab "AZA"Márk Jávor "Dj Mango"Kemon Wesley Thomas "MC Kemon"László Koller "Qka MC"Gergely Ozsváth "Mentha"Fatima MohamedTimi PappCsaba SchmélSena DagaduSchrank DomaBence Simon "Benski"Márk Süveg "Saiid"Ádám Vajgel Zsolt "Zsolaa"Péter Závada "Újonc"Balázs Zsiga "Nos' Chez aka Turan Khan"Miki Háromöthét



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