poster movie

The Legend of All Men Are Brothers

0 average rating
Mandarin / 84 MIN. / 1984

The Genres

The Synopsis

A reworking of the classic Chinese novel "All men are brothers"; Lin Chung (Roc Tien), a loyal general, who falls prey to a plot that exiles him and leaves his wife dead. But thanks to a good hearted brigand-monk, justice is served and the conspiracy upended... Fantastic Action, and the addition of a hideous demon creature, makes this one of the most original Kung Fu films of the 80's

The Cast

Jason Pai PiaoLeung Kar-YanTian PengDi ChangChang Shun-HsingPo ChinHuang Kuo-ChuLi Kuo-hsiuLu TiYi Lung LuYuan ShenAi Tsu-WangLin Hsieh-Wen



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