poster movie

Mitterrand, the impossible legacy

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French / 51 MIN. / 2016

The Genres

The Synopsis

“I am the last of the great Presidents. After me, there will be no more ..." said François Mitterrand at the end of his life. What legacy left the first socialist president of the Fifth Republic? Documentary filmmaker Bertrand Delais and a host of French intellectuals such as Laurent Fabius, Hubert Védrine, Julien Dray, Dominique Bertinotti, Jean-Pierre Chevènement and Bruno Roger-Petit take a look into what that means.

The Cast

Dominique ChagnollaudJean-Pierre ChevènementGérard ColéJulien DrayAlain DuhamelEric DupinLaurent FabiusFrançois HollandeDidier MathusFrançois MitterrandBruno Roger-PetitSégolène RoyalHubert Védrine



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