poster movie

Smiles of Nechiporovka

0 average rating
Russian / 71 MIN. / 1982

The Genres

The Synopsis

A long time ago, in a certain village, a tired traveler was resting. His name was Nechipor. And then Nechipor saw in a dream how the girls gave him a box. And along the box there was a treble clef. He became the symbol of Nechiporovka. And the village was named in honor of its creator - Nechiporovka...

The Cast

Nikolay GrinkoMariya KapnistLyudmyla LobzaHalyna KovhanychIvan PopovichNatalia PoichenkoNazarii YaremchukNina IlyinaValentin ReusAleksandr TolstykhNina ReusSergey SvechnikovTatyana SlobodskayaAlla UsenkoMykola HudzSergei IvanovLiliya Sandulesa



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