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Yasha and Leonid Brezhnev

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Armenian / 100 MIN. / 2024

The Genres

The Synopsis

Yasha recently retired after serving many years at a factory, with a highlight of his career being a delegate of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1976. Yet his future is left unknown when he emerges in new realities that he finds difficult to accept. The world has changed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, yet he tries to hold on to what once was. Thus enters former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. Appearing like Yasha’s alter ego, he guides Yasha, giving amusing commentary and voicing what Yasha should say or do. Brezhnev’s presence gives way for more historical leaders that Yasha idolises to arrive. Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, Josip Broz Tito and Erich Honecker, and even the African dictator Jean Bedel-Bokassa all make an appearance! When Yasha takes an oath of loyalty to them, this creates trouble for his family.

The Cast

Mais SarkisyanMaksim VitorganRuzanna KhachatryanLilit SalnazaryanArsen ChachoyanAvital LvovaNazir ZhukovSamad MansurovGeorgy EngelgardKsenia KopylovaIrina AbrosimovaViktor VinogradovIgor EmelinSergey ErshovZita Badalyan



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