poster movie

The Lord Musang King

0 average rating
English / 94 MIN. / 2023

The Genres

The Synopsis

Haikal, the son of a successful fruit farmer Samad, has been framed and jailed for a crime he did not commit. His father strikes a deal with a South Korean businessman and promises to buy over his company in exchange for helping to get Haikal out of jail. Unfortunately, Samad is killed before the deal is made, and the now released Haikal desperately wants to find a way to seek justice & vengeance.

The Cast

Yusuf BahrinFimie DonAzri SabriHafidzuddin FazilEddie ChowKwak Dong HyukJay IswazirEcho QuahShyrim HusniAdli ShinichiHarissa Adlynn HalimKim Bo Yeon



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