poster movie

Lady Terror

A lawyer in the middle of a partner separation, becomes entangled in a murder plot by a complete stranger.

2 average rating
English / 79 MIN. / 2022

The Genres

The Synopsis

Clean-cut lawyer Jake Large is about to find out the meaning of pain. After intervening a mugging to save the life of a young woman, he falls desperately in love with her. But exotic dancer Candice isn't entirely what she seems... Will he uncover her murderous plot before it's too late? An erotic tale of lust and vengeance, Lady Terror will thrill you until the very end.

The Cast

Nathan HillSimay ArgentoTritia DeViShaPhillyda MurphyChallise FreeRobert Rafik AwadKimmi MoscickiTom LeviAudrey HepburnLeslie LawrenceBenji Wragg



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